Pinch pots artists
An evolving series of ceramic artworks which are thrown, pinched, coiled and slab built, using raku, terracotta, white and dark earthenware clay bodies. Each piece is unique and an evolution in my artistic practice. I pinch pots as unusual items for domestic ware and also pinch objects and roll slabs for installation work and wallpieces.
I throw forms on the wheel for domestic ware such as bowls and vases. I also coil build larger sculptural works and tend to carve and sgrafitto design/decoration onto everything that I create. After creating my forms each piece is decorated using slips, underglazes & glazes combined with sgraffito & carving. The pieces are fired twice in my gas kiln. They are initially bisque fired to 1020 degrees celsius and after glazing fired to 1150 degrees celsius.
The technique of sgrafitto is a strong feature of the ware and links to Kamilaroi men’s traditions of carving into trees, weapons, utensils as well as ground carving for ceremonial purposes, communications & storytelling. The artwork on my ceramics reference my Kamilaroi/Gomeroi cultural heritage & also ‘retro’ style ‘Aboriginalia’ souvenir ceramics from the 1950’s & 60’s in Australia, combined with my own evolving graphic style.
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