Building project ideas
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Weather-Resistant Planter
Whether big or small, used in pairs or on their own, planter boxes are a cheery way to flank an entry, break up an expansive patio, or simply add a splash of color to a small yard. This roomy, rectangular version gives you plenty of space for your favorite bloomers. It is built from cellular PVC, which is easy to cut, holds up well, and won't rot. Beadboard detailing and a bright coat of paint add extra charm during those inevitable showers, too.

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Diamond-Patterned Twig Trellis
Ever since colonial-era homesteaders wove wattle garden structures from unbranched shoots of willow or hazel and set their peas to clamber over rows of tiny-twigged birch limbs, countless generations have used sticks to prop up their plants. Today, homeowners who want to combine beauty and utility can do the same. Connecticut gardener Thyrza Whittemore, reaches for branches pruned in early spring to construct a diamond-patterned trellis for her vegetable garden. Branches are close at hand, easy to fashion to the right size, biodegradable, and free.